The three rows of hypertensive Red and Green starred lights in office switches off one by one, the wailing siren of the pro- pilots fade away; another Sunday arrives; this time though, without the ceremonial call for tea at Rajbhawan, or a heady beer with the sardar sahibans. Time for me thus, to crunch some […]
Discovering Mewar Day-1 Mini and I had dedicated today, only for understanding #Kumbhalgarh and its heritage. Accordingly, we had set out from Jaipur at 6 in the morning, despite the biting December chill, a characteristic of Rajasthan. #RouteTakenandCondition.We took the Delhi- Jaipur-Ajmer, NH 48 and sped through Dudu, Kishangarh, Ajmer, Biawar and turned towards Udaipur […]
#DadaInHornbill@10 #Endpiece #LessonsLearnt As I return home after completing 3247 km in 9 days post Hornbill Festival in Nagaland and close the series of DadaInHornbill, I recall that every journey brings with it some lessons and experiences, some of which I am trying to share with all in the following parts :- Lessons in Life. […]