The three rows of hypertensive Red and Green starred lights in office switches off one by one, the wailing siren of the pro- pilots fade away; another Sunday arrives; this time though, without the ceremonial call for tea at Rajbhawan, or a heady beer with the sardar sahibans. Time for me thus, to crunch some […]
Was privileged to participate in The Distunguished Gentleman”s Ride 2019 in Jaipur, with Bullet. Some moments …
#Dada_in_Asigarh_Fort. Asigarh Fort, or Hansi Fort is located on the bank of Amti lake in Hansi town of Haryana, on NH9. It is also known as Prithviraj Chauhan’s Fort or Prithvi Raj Chauhan Ka Qila and is a heritage sight. #Excavation_Wonder.. The archaeological excavation carried out in 2004-05 revealed several evidences regarding the antiquity and […]
#Dada_in_Rakhigarhi. Today morning, on my way back from Hisar to Jaipur, I had decided to take my first pitstop in Rakhigarhi village, the sensational Indus Valley Civilization site, which has created so much tremors in world history. I started at 0500 hr, when it was still dark and reached the village short of Jind, after […]
#From_the_road. As the sun rises in the horizon, Dada and Shwet Agni sets out for a 4 day journey… This time to mix pleasure with some professional work… #From_the_road… This time I was determined to break the Paratha trappings (North Indian aloo, pyaaz or paneer paratha is too heavy for my age and taste, being […]
#আমি_মোটরসাইকেল_নিয়ে_একাই_ভালো. বয়সের সাথে আমি যে নিজে cynical হয়ে যাচ্ছি, পরিষ্কার বুঝতে পারি। কিছু লোকজনের ব্যাপার–স্যাপার আমার নিজের পছন্দসই না হলে (তা ঠিক–ভুল যাই হোক না কেন) তাকে এড়িয়ে চলাটাকেই আজকাল শ্রেয় মনে হয়। একজন বন্ধুস্থানীয় বাইকার স্যারের সাথে মোটরসাইকেল চালানোর সুযোগ ঘটলো… বয়সে আমার থেকে বড়ই তিনি। ১) প্রথম দিন, সকাল সাড়ে পাঁচটায় পৌছোনোর কথা, […]
It’s Thursday, and I can smell the weekend from here. 700 km turnaround… the heartland of Rajputana Bravery… Chittorgarh calls… #Dada_in_Chittorgarh #Rajput_valour #Power_rider #ঘোঁড়ার_হুইলি (Detailed photographs, history, folklore, travelogue tomorrow… due to poor network here)… — feeling proud at Chittorgarh Fort. Summer grass is all that remains of a soldiers’ dream… #Samurai_Haiku #Bushido #Dada_in_Chittorgarh (One […]
#চাকা_ঘুরবে #তীর্থরাজ_পুষ্কর #কাল_পরশু #শ্বেত_অগ্নি #Banjo_Dadas_Wheel ✌ #Baba_and_Bullet #Teerthraj_Pushkar #From_the_road…. As we both speed across towards Pushkar, trying to catch the sunset. Halfway there, halway to go… #Baba_and_Bullet #Teerthraj_Pushkar #From_the_road…. Managed to catch the setting sun on the Pushkar lake albeit rode at 120 kmph to do so. প্রাণটা জুড়িয়ে গেল #Baba_and_Bullet #Teerthraj_Pushkar #From_the_road…. Pure unadulterated […]
#Zanshin_and_Going_Nowhere #Why_I_Ride. I was out yesterday afternoon riding on Shwet-Agni and once I returned home, the odo showed 120 km. I was not visiting a tribal festival, I was not trying an adventure to any La, I was not trying to look for any natural wonder, some unexplored trail or historical monument, nor a cabal […]
The #Olive_Green_Riders today rode to #Sambhar and #Shakambhari lake. A mindblowing landscape of openness, mystery, salt pan, brackish and human faith. The Mata temple was a centre of natural wonder and Rajput faith. The authentic #Marwari_brunch in the house of a very respectable real farmer (who is 40 times richer than me) was also a […]