This Sunday, along with a few close friends associated with our Motorcyclist Social Initiative DINER BELAY HEADLIGHT, we decided to ride to the destination of PANCHET dam and the ancient ruins of GARHPANCHKOTE. Its about a 248 km turnaround from my home; enough for a Sunday morning ride. There were total of four of us […]
I was out today afternoon riding on Shwet-Agni and once I returned home, the odo showed 120 km. I was not visiting a tribal festival, I was not trying an adventure to any La, I was not trying to look for any natural wonder or historical monument, nor a group cabal of beer and music […]
#DadaInHornbill@10 #Endpiece #LessonsLearnt As I return home after completing 3247 km in 9 days post Hornbill Festival in Nagaland and close the series of DadaInHornbill, I recall that every journey brings with it some lessons and experiences, some of which I am trying to share with all in the following parts :- Lessons in Life. […]
#UnexploredHorizons Speechless, mystefied, in awe, no word can describe the sensory delight and wonder one can experience. After all the live videos and pics yesterday, not much to say but elucidate and annotate. Thank God, amongst the two long trips one can manage in a year, I chose Hornbill over many Motorcycle melas. #8Sisters – […]
A total of about 140 km ride in all today from Dimapur to Kohima to Kisama to Zachama including local rides and sight seeing. Night stay in a Zachama Guest room. Very cold here .. #Nagachilli – In contrast to other days, the day started with sumptuous ghee clad parathas which I dared to try […]
Day 3 476 km to reach Dimapur. Got down from the saddle only thrice, hence not many pics today. #BikerBrotherhood – Just knew a brother @Arjun Singh was in Dimapur, gave him a message, landed up in his bungalow, enjoyed the campfire and his Old Monk with lots of snacks, hot bath and a dinner […]
DAY – 2 Rode 387 km today and halted for the night at a small town called Pathshala, a little short of Nalbari. Could’ve travelled more, right upto Guwahati, but wanted to break the destination-mania and rest the saddlesore bum early. #NoPepsi – The entire town does not have Thums-Up, CocaCola or Pepsi, hence today’s […]
#LessonsFromTheRoad 505 kms done in Day 1. Reached a place called Fulbari (between Shiliguri and Dhupguri, booked into a cheapo lodge, took a big crapp, bath in cold water and enjoying my Old Monk with Lays potato wafers … Some hurriedly written practical lessons for all Motorcycle enthusiasts to note and newbies to imbibe :- […]
18thMarriageAnniversary Stay, lady, stay, stay with your man awhile Until the break of day, let me see you make him smile His clothes are dirty but his hands are clean And you’re the best thing that he’s ever seen -Bob Dylan Today, 28th November happens to be the 18th marriage anniversary. Apropos, couldn’t start out […]
Very recently, I read about a biker brother landing up in a brawl with local goons during a soloride. Such an incident is definitely avoidable. However, such situations are not under direct control. Just sharing some experience about how to avoid such a situation and how to react in case such a situation arises :- […]